Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We got to Paris Early!!

Our Delta flight got into Paris 9:10 am on Wednesday, an hour early. You
will see in one of the pictures we had a tailwind.  We got our luggage with no problem, but had an hour wait for our ParisShuttle. The gate we were to meet them was swarming with Machine Guned Militia in camo!!  Someone was in trouble. I thought of taking a picture of Kathy in the foreground, but I thought he might machinegun her down, so I didn't. We arrived at the hotel going down the Champs de Elysees and throught the Arc de Triumph. The Hotel is cute and quaint, that means small and older, but it is so Parisian. We got little sleep on the plane,so we went for lunch at a great little restaurant (eveyone had dogs at the outdoor tables-Bandit would have loved it), then we went to see the Eiffel Tower and climbed as high as they would let people. We came home a crashed for a bit and are now ready to go out and explore. Having a great time. Cary and Cheri arrive on Thursday evening.

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